Vegas Baby!

We didn't get a chance to go to Vegas when we were in Long Beach, so we decided to go from Palo Alto. Even though it was a ten hour drive, it was a lot of fun, and tax deductible because I met some of my coaching clients.
The Vegas market does seem to be cooling. New condo projects are still going up. Including one from Trump and another one from Ivanka Trump. But overall several projects are stuck at the drawing board because they cannot generate sales as fast as they used to. Ad to the fact that water is becoming a scarce commodity and you can see why things might be slowing down. But people are still moving there, and Nevada overall is growing.

In Case you've never seen it before here's what 1 Million Dollars in cash looks like!
Las Vegas is a marketer's dream. There are so many lesson here that I cannot cover even 1 percent of them. The things that I can't get over is that people come here knowing they are going to lose, yet they play anyway. I had a guy in the hotel ask me, "Did you win anything?" I said no cause I didn't gamble anything. He then says, "I found this one machine, where I was able to pay for 3 hours for $20. I still lost but at least not as much as I could have." He was actually proud that he only lost a little money.
Once you get someone in the proper mindset you can get them to do anything. Even things that they know they shouldn't be doing.
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