More of L.A.
I haven't been too much updating lately.
But here are some more pictures.

You can barely see it, but that is the Hollywood sign on the hill in the background
The sign actually has a real estate connection. The sign used to say HollywoodLand, and was a marketing gimmick for a real estate development that was being built at the time.
The sign worked, and after the development was sold out, the city kept the sign, and now it is world famous.
These two beautiful pictures are from fabulous Laguna Beach. Great views, cliffs, flowers, and secluded beaches. What else could you ask for?
No trip to L.A. can be complete without a tour of one of the many studios. We decided to take a tour of the WB studios. Here we are sitting on the famous couch from the show Friends. This is the actual set that they used in the show. They are keeping it here until the make room for it at the Smithsonian museum which is going to be its permanent home for all time.
The main reason we took the tour was to see some movie stars and maybe even a movie being shot.
Well, that didn't happen. They don't let tourists around when they are filming. But we did get lucky. Before we started the tour we saw the woman who played Janice (Chandler's annoying girlfriend) on Friends. At first I didn't recognize her. She acted normal and was with her two kids getting ice cream. But I kept staring at her, and when she smiled and I heard her laugh I knew it was her. (Yes she really does sound like that when she laughs. but not as loud).
Too bad I didn't ask her to take a picture with us.
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