Touring Around San Francisco
There are so many great places to visit here that we had no trouble finding things to do.
One of the places we visited was Point St. Reyes which is a totally commercial development free zone. Nature all round.
Check out the scenery:

Northern California is also famous for the amazing Redwood Tree. Redwoods only grow in California/Oregon and China. They are so unique because they grow to be hundreds of feet tall and they live for hundreds of years. They survive by drinking in the fog The leaves on the trees drink up the moisture in the fog and provide it to the rest of the tree. That's why they are so tall.
The major cause of death of redwoods, besides man, is lightning. Even fire has a hard time killing a redwood. The fire can burn the bark on the outside, but inside there is a substance that acts like the foam in a fire extinguisher to put out the flame. And in a few years, the tree will regrow the bark and be whole again. Simple amazing.

Look at this monster tree! It just keeps going and going.

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