The two best things I like about San Francisco are the views and the weather. I myself, am not very found of tropical weather. Having lived in only in Miami and Houston you might not blame me. But cooler temps suit me just fine.
It's a small city, not very much land but it leaves its mark on you. It's unique and definitely worth a visit. There is enormous wealth and poverty on the same streets.
Want to buy a house near the marina with a view of both the Golden Gate and Bay Bridges? It'll cost you over $3.5 million. And that price is not coming down. There is too much money here. And if you need a mortgage, I can recommend a few names. :)
Here are some of my favorite pictures of the city.

This is the view of the city from the bay. We took this picture on the ferry from Saulsilito.
You get a very similar view from the Golden Gate Bridge, except you are looking down and to the right at the city.
Too bad we won't get to spend the 4th of July here. Fireworks over the Bay sounds like a great idea.

This is the world famous Golden Gate Bridge on a clear day. Normally there is a ton of fog and you cannot even see the top of the bridge. But this day, the fog is gone and it looks great!

This is San Francisco's other famous bridge: The Bay Bridge. It connects Frisco to Oakland and is one of the reasons they have 2 hour commutes.
I don't understand how anyone can stand driving two hours a day to work and two hours back home. I hope that those people at least listen to something educational in the car while they sit in traffic.
This is the bridge that partly crumbled in the last major earthquake in the 1990's sending many cars into the bay. According to our tour guide, it is still not fixed so if they have another earthquake the whole thing might come down.

Here's Alcatraz up close and personal.
They say no one every escaped from this prison. And now according to the Nation Parks Service it is the most visited national park, with more visitors than the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, or Yellowstone.
All those people going to see an old jail. Who says there's no opportunity anymore? You just have to look for it. And never underestimate what people will pay for.