Monday, June 27, 2005

Matt said...
Pay It Forward Questions:

If you had to pick one single attribute that makes a successful mortgage broker/loan officer, what would it be?

What is the best and most cost-effective training you have ever received that has contributed toward your success (seminars, schools, self-help, etc)?

What is the most effective way to market yourself as a mortgage broker?


One attribute is hard to single out. Being a personable person, being liked by others, is a huge benefit. And if that is all you have, then you can make a living. But to be truly successful, you need to be disciplined. Have the discipline to be organized, manage your business properly, do the things that need to be done on a daily basis, and set up systems to run things for you.

The most cost effective training would be the small courses I have bought. They provide more info than a bookstore book and almost as much as a seminar. I don't like seminars too much because they take so long. And with the ones nowadays, the speakers just tease you and want you to buy their stuff. I have also taken part of expensive coaching programs, but they do not teach anything new. The material is out there. You need to discover what you need and fine it.

The more effective way to market yourself is without a doubt, have a database and marketing to it. Building friends and getting referrals. It is easy, the most fun, and can set you up in a referral only business the fastest


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